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Importing Datasets

Datasets created by the reporting entity’s financial system can be incorporated into SACS Web System by using the Import function. To import a dataset, the dataset must meet the SACS Web System datafile specifications found in Attachment B.

Note: The import function accepts a dataset when the dataset and the options selected in the import dialog box match, as follows:

  1. Reporting period
  2. Fiscal year
  3. Entity, e.g., county or district

The functionality of Import is listed below:

Select an import type.

  • Other – Use the Other option for importing data which is either exported from an LEA’s financial system or exported from the SACS Web System. When data is imported using the Other option, the SACS Web System performs various checks and calculations, depending on the reporting period and type of data:
Checks and Calculations Reporting Period Data Type
Ending fund balances/net position (Object 979Z) are recalculated

Ending fund balances/net position (net beginning fund balances/net position plus revenues and other sources minus expenditures/expenses and other uses) are calculated as Object 979Z by fund and resource.

Object 979Z equals the sum of nonspendable, restricted, committed, assigned, and unassigned fund balances (objects 9700–9790) for all funds except funds 61 through 95. For funds 61 through 95, Object 979Z equals the sum of net investment in capital assets (Object 9796), restricted net position (Object 9797), and unrestricted net position (Object 9790).
All All
Zero amounts are ignored

Zero amounts are ignored to prevent receiving fatal account code and combination technical review check exceptions for them.
All All
Assets, deferred outflows of resources, liabilities, and deferred inflows of resources (Objects 9100–9699) are ignored

Assets, deferred outflows of resources, liabilities, and deferred inflows of resources are ignored during import and cannot be input. Therefore, amounts reported as nonspendable for Revolving Cash, Stores, and Prepaid Expenditures are not compared to the asset amounts or modified by the SACS Web System. Although not required, assets, deferred outflows of resources, liabilities, and deferred inflows of resources are allowed for estimated/unaudited actual data.
All Budget/All Interim
Other Commitments (Object 9760) and Other Assignments (Object 9780) are recalculated

When Other Commitments and/or Other Assignments are detailed and saved in the Components of Ending Fund Balance/Net Position screen, general ledger amounts for objects 9760 and/or 9780 are recalculated by fund and resource.
All All, except Interim period

Actuals to Date
Budgeted beginning fund balances/net position (Object 9791) are recalculated
Budgeted beginning fund balances/net position (Object 9791) are recalculated to equal the actual ending fund balances/net position by fund and resource.

NOTE: When estimated/unaudited actual ending fund balances/net position exist for any fund, budgeted beginning fund balances/net position are recalculated for all funds.
Budget/ Unaudited Actuals Budget
Nonspendable amounts are compared to asset amounts.
Amounts reported as nonspendable for Revolving Cash (Object 9711), Stores (Object 9712), and Prepaid Expenditures (Object 9713) are compared to their respective asset amounts (objects 9130, 9320, and 9330, respectively) during system recalculations and, where different, are changed to equal the asset amounts even when the asset amounts are zero.
When there are asset amounts (objects 9130, 9320, and 9330) reported but there are no corresponding nonspendable amounts, the SACS Web System creates the respective nonspendable amounts (objects 9711, 9712, and 9713, respectively).

NOTE: When there are no amounts reported in assets for Revolving Cash (Object 9130), Stores (Object 9320) and Prepaid Expenditures (Object 9330):
• Their respective nonspendable amounts (objects 9711, 9712, and 9713) remain unchanged during system recalculations for estimated actual data.
• Their respective nonspendable amounts (objects 9711, 9712, and 9713) are deleted during system recalculations for unaudited actuals data.
Budget/ Unaudited Actuals Estimated/ Unaudited Actuals
  • Official –The Import Official option is used to import data previously exported using the Export Official option from the SACS Web System. Unlike the Import Other option, recalculations are not performed; however, the appropriate technical review checks for any given reporting period must be ran before an official export can be made of the officially imported data.
