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Year End Projections

What To File—End of Year Projection Report (if required)

Pursuant to EC Section 42131(f)[1240.2], the governing board of each school district[COE] filing a qualified or negative certification for the second report required under EC Section 42130[1240], or classified as qualified or negative by the county superintendent of schools[State Superintendent of Public Instruction (State Superintendent)], shall provide to the county superintendent of schools[State Superintendent], the State Controller, and the State Superintendent no later than June 1, financial statement projections of the district’s[COE’s] fund and cash balances through June 30 for the period ending April 30.

Although statute does not require that these end of year projection reports be prepared in a format or on forms prescribed by the State Superintendent, interim reporting forms that serve this purpose are available within the SACS Web System by selecting the End of Year Projection reporting period. The following forms must be completed for an interim submission:

  • Form AI—Average Daily Attendance (not applicable for JPAs).
  • Form 01I—General Fund[County School Service Fund]—Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance including assumptions.
  • Financial statement (fund form) for every fund other than General Fund projecting a negative fund balance.
  • Form CASH—Cashflow Worksheet. 1
  • Form MYPI—Multiyear Projections2 including assumptions.
  • Form MYPIO—Multiyear Projections3 for any fund other than the General Fund[County School Service Fund] projecting a negative fund balance.
  • Technical Review Checklists for original budget and projected year totals data types, with all fatal exceptions cleared and valid warning exceptions explained.
  • Any other applicable forms, as listed in Attachment A.

Projection as of April 30, 2025—Due Date—June 1, 2025 (if required)


  1. LEAs may use their own cashflow worksheet, with the approval of their reviewing agency, as long as it provides a monthly cashflow projected through the end of the fiscal year. 

  2. LEAs may use their own multiyear projection format, with the approval of their reviewing agency, as long as it provides current and two subsequent fiscal years and separately projects unrestricted resources, restricted resources, and combined total resources. 

  3. LEAs may use their own multiyear projection format, with the approval of their reviewing agency, as long as it provides current and two subsequent fiscal years.