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Running Technical Review Checks

Running TRCs

Prior to submission approval at the local level, the user must run a TRC for each data type. Your data is checked according to state-defined specifications. After the TRCs have run, a report of each check and an explanation of the errors are available to be reviewed, exported, or printed.

Technical Review page displaying 7 elements explained below which are necessary to run the TRC.

To Run the Technical Review:

  1. Open a Submission (1) dataset from the Dashboard.
  2. Click TRC (2) on the left Navigation Menu.
  3. Click the Technical Review (3) sub option.
  4. Select a Dataset Type (4). >Note: The TRCs must be run separately for each data type. The TRCs applied to the data, and their severity, are based on the LEA type, reporting period and data type.

  5. Select the Phase (5) of TRCs to be run:

    • All—Import, General Ledger, Supplemental, and Export checks. This is the default.
    • Import—Checks for valid accounts and balances.
    • General Ledger—Checks for interfund, intrafund, and various other types of account balancing.
    • Supplemental—Checks for completion of appropriate forms and validates supplemental and general ledger data.
    • Export Validation—Verifies form requirements and dependencies. See Attachment E for a list of form dependencies.

    Note: For charter schools, all Import and General Ledger checks are available to validate general ledger data, using both the county and district account codes and combinations. Applicable Supplemental and Export checks are available as well.

  6. Select the Display (6) option for the technical review check results.

    • All Technical Checks – this is the default.
    • Exceptions Only, including explained exceptions.
  7. Click the Start (7) button to run the TRC.

Types of Technical Review Checks

Following is a table of the various types of checks and related requirements:

Code Name Description
F Fatal Data must be corrected; an explanation is not allowed.
W/WC Warning/Warning with Calculation When data is not correct, correct it; when data is correct, an explanation is required.
O Informational When data is not correct, correct it when data is correct, an explanation is optional.

A user may print TRCs when investigating or correcting exceptions, and for documentation purposes. Click the Print button to print the entire TRC as it is displayed on the screen.
