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User Management

The SACS Web System requires individual user accounts to access the application. User accounts are established within the system using an email address as the username and creating a password. Each user account may be associated with multiple entities. Each user may have one or more roles (See User Roles and Permissions). A user with User Management permissions is authorized to assign user roles within their entity.

The assignment of the Administration and User Management roles for the initial user at each LEA is done by the oversight entity for that LEA, in the following order:

  1. A CDE user assigns a COE user the roles of Administration and User Management.

  2. Each COE assigns a user at each school district, joint powers agency (JPA), and charter school under COE oversight the roles of Administration and User Management to manage accounts within that entity. Additional COE users may also be assigned the User Management role.

  3. Each school district assigns a user at the charter school under district oversight the Administration and User Management roles.
