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Import Menu

The SACS Import feature allows LEA users with either Edit Dataset or the Edit Draft Dataset role to import a single or multiple datasets for a particular reporting period.

Note: The import function accepts a dataset when the dataset data and the options selected in the import dialog box match. The following is a list of items that must match:

  • Reporting period
  • Fiscal year
  • Entity (County, District)

Select import type

  • Other - a dataset that has not run or passed the TRCs.
  • Official - a dataset the has completed and passed the TRCs.

Create/Delete a new draft dataset

  • The SACS Web System allows users to enter new draft dataset, name and import data.
  • The SACS Web System allows users to discard an import.

Overwrite dataset data

  • Overwriting the data in the selected dataset with option of deleting existing data or deleting only the data that the user is replacing.

The Import menu item displays two menu options:

Single Import

This option allows the user to import a single dataset into the SACS Web System from the user’s financial software for data entry, review, and approval. The user must select a dataset with the same fiscal year as the Fiscal Year selected in the Fiscal Year menu.

Importing a Single Dataset

Multiple Import

This option allows a user to import up to five datasets. Each dataset must have a unique name.

Importing Multiple Datasets

Import Options

The Overwrite Dataset feature allows a user to replace all or part of existing data within a specific dataset.

Overwrite Dataset file data
