Navigating SACS
Dashboard Overview
Once a user logs into the SACS Web System, the user enters the home page, or Dashboard, from which a user may navigate through the Main Menu (1) to the dataset Import page, Users list, dataset review Queues, Tools menu, and or specify a specific Fiscal Year.
The Dashboard (or Home Page) displays the
- Main Menu
- User Profile section
- Fiscal Year selector
- User Guide link
- Display Drafts/Official submissions selector
- New Draft button
- Compare Submission/Query SACS selector
- Column Filter/Sort icons
- Submission Columns
- Submission Column Show/Hide selector
- Submissions per Page selector
The User Profile section on the right of the Main menu displays:
- Current Fiscal Year
- Current user and entity
- All entities associated with the current profile
- Edit Profile link
- Help Desk link
- Logout of the application link
By default, the Dashboard displays the draft datasets. However, users may view Official, Draft or all datasets by selecting the appropriate option on the Drafts/Official submissions selector.
Main Menu
The Main Menu is located on the top of each page within the SACS Web System. When pages or forms are open, a Back button is accessible to allow the user to return to the previous screen.
Dashboard Menu Item
The Dashboard menu item, when selected, returns the user to the Home Page or the Dashboard view. The Dashboard is the default view of the SACS Web System.
Import Menu
The Import menu displays two menu options:
Single Import – This option allows the user to import a single dataset (text file with .dat, .txt, .csv extensions) into the SACS Web System from the user’s financial software. The application requires the dataset to be the same fiscal year as the one selected in the Fiscal Year menu.
Multiple Import – This option allows the user to import up to five datasets at the same time. Each dataset must have a unique name.
Users Menu
The Users Menu allows the user to view a list of all user accounts. This list can be filtered by All Users, Public Users, Associated Users, or by a search criterion. An entity user with the User Management role may use this screen to manage the associated entities and roles of that entity’s users.
Refer to the User Management section for detailed information about viewing, establishing, and managing SACS Web System.
Queues Menu
The Queues menu provides users with a unique set of views for different stages of the submission workflow. The submission workflow allows a user to promote a submission to the next step, or state, or demote a submission to the previous state, if necessary. During each workflow step, with the exception of the Draft state, the submission is visible on a specific queue.
A user’s assigned roles determine available queues. Only those queues are viewable by the user in the Queue drop down menu. When the user clicks a specific queue, a list of submissions that meet the queue criteria is displayed. The user may then promote or demote one or more of those submissions to the next or previous state in the workflow.
The following sections describe the workflow states and LEAs and reporting periods applicable to each queue.
LEA Draft Dataset Approval
An LEA user with the Edit Draft Dataset and Dataset Approval role may access the LEA Draft Dataset Approval queue. This queue displays a list of the draft datasets in the user’s entity with a state of Pending Internal Review. Draft datasets may be reviewed and promoted as a dataset submission.
Edit Dataset
An LEA user with the Edit Dataset role may access the Edit Dataset queue. This queue displays a list of datasets in the user’s entity with a state of:
- New Dataset Submission
- Data Entry
- Update Dataset
Dataset Approval
An LEA user with the Dataset Approval role may access the Dataset Approval queue. This queue displays a list of datasets in the user’s entity with a state of:
- New Dataset Submission
- Data Entry
- Update Dataset
- Active Submission Returned
An LEA user with the Oversight role may access the Oversight queue. This queue displays a list of datasets in the user’s entity with a state of:
- Promote to 1st Level LEA Review
- Promote to 2nd Level COE Review
- LEA Oversight Review Completed
- LEA - Approved for Publishing
Promote to CDE
An LEA user with the Certify/Promote to CDE role may access the Promote to CDE queue. This queue displays a list of datasets in the user’s entity with a state of:
- Pending CDE Authorization
- In CDE Review
- Active Submission Returned
- Resubmission Required
Tools Menu
The Tools menu provides LEA users with entity-specific SACS tools such as Single String Validation, Charter School Management, Request for UA Promoter Role, Check Submission Status and Blank Forms.
Fiscal Year Menu
The Fiscal Year menu allows a user to select the relevant fiscal year for a specific task. To upload a dataset, the fiscal year must be the same as the year displayed in the Fiscal Year menu.
Users may access prior year datasets by selecting the appropriate fiscal year.
User Profile Menu
The User Profile menu located on the right of the Main Menu is also an indicator to show:
- The user currently logged into the application.
- The current year (selected by the FiscalYear menu option).
- The current entity which displays the entity’s name and CDS code
- A dropdown menu showing all entities associate with the current user.
Additional menu items include the Edit Profile menu item to allow the user to edit contact information, add or remove entities and roles as well as the Logout menu item.
Dataset Submission List
The Dataset Submissions List is located on the Dashboard, where the user may view all datasets associated with their profile. Each dataset displays on a separate row.
New Draft button
The New Draft button allows the user to create a new empty dataset. The New Draft button is located on the top right side of the screen.