Table of Contents
Table of Contents Form
The Table of Contents form displays high-level views of forms of a submission that contain data. It allows a user to identify which forms have data and what type of data it is (GL data vs Supplemental data).
The Table of Contents is accessed under the submission detail screen in the left Navigation Pane. It displays a list of forms available for the selected LEA type and reporting period. It is automatically created by the system when the form is opened.
G, S, and GS are used to identify the type of data contained in the form. A “G” displays when general ledger data is either input or imported into the SACS Web System, whether or not the applicable form is opened. An “S” displays when a supplemental form is opened and saved, whether or not data is entered in the form. (Exception: For funds, the “S” means that the fund form is saved, and that supplemental data exist for it.) “GS” displays when both types of data apply to the form.
The Table of Contents Form displays each form in rows in the submission and the components of each form in columns to include:
- The form Selection checkbox (for selecting a form to print)
- The form number.
- The form Name.
The data indicator.
- G = General Ledger data found in the form.
- S = Supplemental data found in the form.
- GS = Both General Ledger and Supplemental data found in the form.
The Print and Export buttons.
Printing the Table of Contents
The Table of Contents allows a user to select one (or multiple) forms to print at once.
To print selected rows or the entire Table of Contents:
- Select one or more rows (or none to print all forms).
- Click the Print Selected Forms (2) button to print the selected form or:
- Click the Print (3) button to print the Table of Contents Form.
- Click the Export to Excel (4) button to export the Table of Contents Form as an Excel spreadsheet.
- Click the Clear (5) button to clear all checked rows from the Table of Contents Form.