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General Fund[CSSF]—Revenues

Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)

  • Identify reasons for significant changes in population (ADA and enrollment) and plans for addressing the fiscal impact on the budget.
  • Identify significant changes in funding level not explained by changes in population or by COLA.
  • Explain how ADA or enrollment projections were determined for the budget year, including the methodology or basis used for the projections (e.g., cohort survival, actual count).
  • Identify major changes to components of the LCFF revenue calculation.

Federal Revenues

  • Identify significant changes in federal grants/entitlements and whether they are included in the budget prior to or only upon approval by the federal agency.

State Lottery Revenues

  • Identify lottery amounts per ADA for the unrestricted and restricted (Proposition 20) apportionments.

State Categorical Revenues

  • Identify COLA and growth changes budgeted for the major state categorical programs. Explain significant changes over the prior year not explained by growth or COLA changes.
  • Identify COLA and growth changes and excess costs budgeted for special education programs. Explain significant changes over the prior year not explained by growth or COLA changes.

Local Revenues

  • Identify the cash balances, interest rates, and method used to budget interest earnings.
  • Identify Tax Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANs), including the issue amount, costs, repayment schedule, and arbitrage.
  • Identify significant changes in other local revenues, such as leases, rentals, etc., over the prior year.

One-Time Unrestricted Revenues

  • Identify significant one time unrestricted revenue sources.
